Integrate your content: Characters, Spells, Items, Monsters, Adventures, Encounters, Classes, and Races. Other 5e races who choose to dashes, and dots. (Good) their feathers. This ability has numerous useful applications and it can be used to solve puzzles and pinpoint the price of treasure. For the sake of simplicity we advise that, regardless of the physical measurements of a character, they follow theSex & Gender size category rules of their race (Medium or Small). Engage and play with other Humblewood adventurers on our Discord channel! skill check, or saving throw. If an the targets wound.option requires a saving throw, your Travelers Trick save DCequals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. Seeds of Decay: The Woodkin (PDF) Freebies $0.00. Alignment. Size. Some respond to the dangersoutside their community by becoming insular and fearing allnon-jerbeens. Humblewood campaign has easy combat, so why should you optimize. 7 I never really had a plan in life, I tend to just go Thugs are the muscle of a bandit group, and use their with the flow.size and strength to intimidate merchants into giving upwithout a fight. You are destined for greatness.fall, and glide short distances. Your Charisma scoreincreases by 1. When falling you can use yourprey, they have sharp talons and agile builds that help them reaction to spread your arms, stiffen your wing feathers, andeffortlessly glide through the canopy. Protecting and providing for others in hardtimes is considered just as impressive, if not more so, than Patterned Feathers. These individuals inspire curiosity and have Wing Flap. After the establishment of the treaty, humblefolk began toNow the great birdfolk cities face more threats from bandits live once again in small woodland villages beneath the trees,and forest fires than ever before. They will support you and,depending on how well you have convinced them of your 3 I seek to discredit the person who burdened mepowers, treat you with reverence and possibly even worship. Humblewood can be enjoyable for veterans and newcomers alike, as it contains a campaign intended to raise characters from levels one to five, making it a perfect starting point for new players. When you hit with one of had previously selected with this feature to another spellthese attacks you may attempt a stunning strike. (Chaotic)6 Compromise. Regardless of their size, stout strigs tend to be bulkier, Birdfolkwith denser feathers, while swift strigs have more slender andstreamlined bodies. Humans are not that different from animals. When you make an attack with a melee weapon that has either the heavy, two handed, or versatile Dark Bargain. Number 3 - The Circle of the Shepherd. Attacks made against you thisBardic Inspiration to gain the benefits of this Dark Invocation round have advantage.for 10 minutes. Number 7 - The Circle of Spores. Charisma is your spellcastingability for these spells. Using this skill strains the eyes, and you mustwhenever possible. It is a politetake the time to learn. Your Constitution scorehard for others to gain their trust. Want updates?Join our Discord and chat with us! Some have completely forsaken their old lives in favor of new ones in undergrowth commu- nities, while others keep ties with family and friends in the perches where they were born.44 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Woodd8 Personality Trait d6 Flaw1 I always second guess my choices. It is recommended to do whatever makes the most sense for the kinds of The table below can be used to decide your characters worlds youd like to build and the kinds of stories youdheight and weight. Sylvan, along confounds many who try to learn it due to the prevalencewith various dialects of Primordial (Auran, Aquan, Ignan, and of passive voice and the deferential manners built intoTerran) are uncommon languages known only by few in the conversation. Humblewood is an exciting new Campaign Setting for 5e DND that includes 10 original player races, new monsters, magic items, and a compelling adventure for 1st to 5th level characters. Only the skillful survive the forest, their owners upwards in a mighty flap, while others insteadand the birdfolk have become masters of both the forest floor developed talons which make for both deadly defensive weap-and the canopies above, creating several settlements (known ons and useful tools for scaling tall trees.colloquially as perches) throughout the Wood. We dont know these tales as we weave our own, but the connection is still there. You gain proficiency in one of the following skills: Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion.Too Smart Appraising Eye. You cannot glide while wearing heavy While most lumas find their peculiar nature to be a armor, or if you are encumbered.hindrance in society, some make use of their gifts to climbthe social ladder. Holly Conrad Twitter: @HollyConrad Twitch: @commanderholly 6 Foreword Preface by leesha hannigan When approaching the art direction for Humblewood, I wanted to express that this is a world Additionally, whenever you hit with an improvised weapon, you may spend a bonus action to break it over your opponent. For the duration of the effect, at the begin- ning of each round on your turn the target gains a number of temporary hit points equal to your Bardic Inspiration die + your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). arms). Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. You can speak, read,and write Birdfolk and Mapach. garrisons in times of crisis, and the birdfolk militias keeping the roads safe for merchant caravans, the Wood truly entered aTHE HUMBLEFOLK golden age. Many who of clothing). A Mapach is capable of creating temporary arrows that break on impact, or even scrounging together disguises. The Wood, as it is known to its inhabi- tants, is not like any other forest. You may use Dexterity instead of Strength At 14th level, even if the target fails their for the attack and damage rolls of these unarmed strikes.saving throw they only take half damage from The damage die used for these unarmed strikes is thethe effect. Woodland Hunter. Choose one of these subraces. I remember thinking the Warlock was just flat out too strong. They are insightful and empathetic, but not to the pointof being socially exploitable. Of the People. Antlers. You can speak, read, and write Birdfolk. 218 Index 219 License 224Foreword by holly conrad Nature, or the forest, might be quite the distance from our homes, Twitch streams, or stages where we play RPGs like 5th Edition (because oddly enough thats the magical world we live in now). They also favorserious conflict does arise, hedges who feel they have been truly neutral alignments, as hedges have a great respect for theand deeply wronged can close themselves off from the rest of balance of nature.their society, sometimes resulting in splits in a community. They can help us understand and process experiences in our ownlives through an entirely different lens, and they give you a unique kind of freedom to be whoever orwhatever you want to be, options for which there is no shortage in Humblewoodwhether you are asneaky mapach, a brave little strig, or a cunning corvum with a secret heart of gold, the only limit, asever, is your imagination. The birdfolk offered the dangerous wood.humblefolk safety within their great city, and many accepted the HUMBLEFOLKVULPIN MAPACH JERBEEN HEDGE CERVAN Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 11Corvum hungry for knowledge Corvums are a crow-like race with dark feathers and sharp Glide. At 6th level, you have learned to identify a selection of useful herbs that you can carry with you. zillow seal beach The right ambush prey as a 2nd level spell with this trait, and regain thelook from a vulpin can bewitch or terrify, and vulpins who are ability to do so when you finish a long rest. So, without further delay, here is our ranking of every Druid subclass in D&D 5e! On aAdd the number you roll on your Bardic Inspiration die + your failure, the creature dealing damage takes an amount of radiantWisdom modifier (minimum of 1) to the damage dealt by damage equal to your Bardic Inspiration die.the spell. These examples are in keeping with the flavor and mechanics of that race. Those days are long since gone,but the memory of the sinister vulpin has yet to fade fromthe minds of the humblefolk, who endured great suffering attheir hands. you possess in its place.BANDIT CUNNING PERFECT LANDINGYour time as a bandit has granted you a sense for danger, and Years of living at great heights have taught you how to fallmade you skilled at sizing up opponents. NEXT: The Best Cleric Domains in Dungeons & Dragons, Ranked. Their mottled feather patterns, though notas bright or beautiful as others, allow them to easily hide in theforest. You have proficiency in the Inspiring. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Have you the courage to find out? When you make a weapon attack, you can expend one useof your Bardic Inspiration, adding your Bardic Inspiration dieto the attack or damage roll. While they resemble animals. These things disconnect us from the story of nature, from the story of life and the changing of seasons and our connection to the world around us. Your Dexterity score increases by 1. Sometimes this presents as flexible morals, and at other drop any held items as part of your reaction to spread yourtimes it simply means they follow a personal code instead of arms). (1d4) lb.Jerbeen 2'4" +2d4 20 lb. You can use it in conjunction with Birdfolk are generally welcoming to other races, but the a regular jump, but not while gliding.gallus are particularly well-known for their willingness to Communal. They are rarely at a speed of 60 feet per round, taking no fall damage whenprey, and are quick to turn the tables when finding them- you land. They also keep an eye out for potential marks. You understandsubtle social cues the way a hunter understandstheir prey, and youre just as quick to capitalize onan advantage. I just want to be free to live my own life, an outcast. Bite. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 23Hedge pointed mediators The most diplomatic and good natured of all the humble- areas and communal gardens can be constructed in the spacesfolk, hedges like to live quiet lives in villages throughout the between burrows. If you would fall at least 10 feet in this way, you may fly up to your movement speed in one direction you choose, The gallus are a varied folk, resembling as many different although you cannot choose to move upwards, landing invarieties of wildfowl as there are trees in the Wood. Age. tysons corner directory. I've only read through it but I was underwhelmed. Who cares what others think of me, choice), an ornate cloak, a symbol of the wind, common5 so long as my actions reflect how I feel in my clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp heart? Additionally, you have advantage on Strengthfor superiority, strigs use their immense strength and stamina (Athletics) checks made to climb any surface your talons couldto endure even the most punishing assault. Lumas tend to keep to themselves, preferring Fated. You know the druidcraftcantrip. Either way, corvums are a crafty are encumbered.race and they tend to get what they want, one way or another. most treacherous terrain. The Native American stories of the trickster Raven, the Medieval fable of the Owl and the Nightingale, or something as obvious and simple as Grimms Fairy Tales are all examples of how the natural world around us has shaped storytelling. The gods of the night and moon watch over mortal realms even after the gods of light have left to do battle with unspeakable evil. You can also understand Auran, though youcannot speak it naturally. Imposing. ItLanguages of the Wood is seen as disrespectful to try and transcribe it using Birdfolk characters. You can seewrong ones, deadly enemies. The powers I have been gifted with and perceptions of yourself and your community, pairing are meant to serve the common good. RELATED: Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Rare Magic Items Youd be Lucky to Find. But rather than being born flared out, these tough quills naturally flatten, becomingof cowardice, their behavior stems from a desire to respect the smooth to the touch. during combat (as there aren't existing rules so being able to use a different ability score doesn't mean a lot without asking the DM). While you are overlooked by the crowd, your Glide. Others have been told since birth that they were blessed by the wind, much in the way the Amaran-d6 Bond thine Reya was in the old tales. Theycalm and weigh ones options. Your size is Medium.over, they are sharp and savvy, possessing an uncanny force ofpersonality that allows them to easily sway the trust of others. While incapable of truehelp you make your own Humblewood adventurer. Humblewoodcan be enjoyable for veterans and newcomers alike, as it contains a campaign intended to raise characters from levels one to five, making it a perfect starting point for new players. I did some hard time in Alderhearts prison,1 and the perch guard who arrested me still has it d6 Community Place out for me. Number 6 - The Circle of the Land. They livecontain the odd family of jerbeen, or a few lone hedges. Of the around 90 pounds. To make matters worse, after many years theand culture have allowed them to exist in harmony for most of divisions between the humblefolk communities have inten-Humblewoods history, the humblefolk represent a disparate sified: those who found prosperity in the birdfolk cities havegroup of peoples, cultures, and ways of seeing the world, many adopted a perch-dwellers perspective, while those who live inof whom havent always seen eye to eye. You have proficiency with the long- bow, short bow, and spear. Play as one of the five core birdfolk races: The humblefolk live in small villages throughout the Wood, but are occasionally found in birdfolk cities. Your Dexterity scoreincreases by 1. Storytelling on its own has always been connected to nature. The marvelous Humblewood setting for D&D 5e is very close to public release and I'm here to tell you what lies in store! Awareness of ones surroundings Birdfolk takes the place of Common in Humblewood. granted by this effect must make a Wisdom saving throw. Spiny Quills. A cursed moon hurtles through the multiverse, crashing from one plane to 394443667100 The College of the Road of your choice (see Travelers Trick Options).is sometimes a harsh teacher, but bards who follow this pathoften find themselves rewarded with a diverse array of useful These Travelers Tricks represent skills, techniques, andtricks and tactics. When you or an ally makes poisoned or paralyzed condition from the target.a Dexterity saving throw, you may expend one use of yourBardic Inspiration, rolling a Bardic Inspiration die and adding At 14th level, you have developed a true knack for emer-the result to the saving throw. Most gallus are lawful good. Most vulpins find strict authority distasteful, prefer-reputation that isnt entirely deserved. For the duration of the effect,deeper. These food items will last up to 8for the violation of the goodwill that any community ought hours or until the end of a rest, and will never spoil. Eye of Twilight improvement Channel Divinity: Invocation of Night8th Veil of Dreams, Eye of Twilight improvement Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to harness the powers of night, clouding the vision of your foes in a shroud of darkness.17th Creature of the Night, Eye of Twilight improvementNight Domain Spells Cleric Level Spells 1st sleep, veil of dusk* 3rd darkness, moonbeam 5th nondetection, globe of twilight* 7th divination, stellar bodies* 9th dream, seemingSpells marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in this book.Eye of Twilight Beginning at 1st level, a divine blessing grants you the abil-ity to see more clearly in dark and dim conditions.
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